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Welcome to WEST END C.C.

The original "West Endians". Established at least 1877!

Other pages: WECC on YouTube Season 2003 What's New See-Hear!  Our Village Archives Club history



Regular followers are aware that WECC ceased as a club at the wrap of the 2004 season: this site is not updated in the regular club sense of the word, it is however preserved here as a tribute to everyone over the years who put their valuable time and effort into running - and indeed playing for - the one and only West End Cricket Club. 
Click here to see just what our legendary cricketing tours were really all about!
Welcome to the world of West End Cricket Club!
Find out a bit about us
Check out the current season with results
Check out the individuals, one at a time.....
Basically what it says, really....
History of the club and the area
Piccies of people and situations and places and things.....
There may be a little film or two or even audio clip.....
Check out the history of the legendary tour.....
The Archices - the place where all else gets junk, er, placed.....
This is where we are on the grand scale of things.....
This is where you can go, if you see what I mean....
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Welcome to 2004!

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A New Year, a New Season, and a rejuvenated New Pitch!

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Last year saw the opening of our new wickets on a special (and hugely enjoyable) President's Day.

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Check out the What's New page for more additions to this site.

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See also: 2003 and match reports: 2002 and match reports.

Practise in those hazy, lazy days of summer
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Recent website additions include the following:

A little gallery from 1993NEW - WECC on YouTube!  See & feel the legendary tour videos
A Gallery of photos from 1993, the year of the inaugural tour to the Isle Of Wight. June 2002's tour to the North Cornish coast - read the report itself, plus a picture gallery, & mini-movies. Hopefully coming soon: This year's 10th Anniversary Tour.

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NEW: BBC weather - 5-day forecasts
(opens in new window):

Bracknell  Truro   Kingston-Upon-Thames   London Heathrow

Local weather as it is now

Lightwater (updated every 30 mins)

Qwik Links:

Club News
Club history
Members Pages
The Gallery
The old ground
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New website covering local villages - including West End!

Community website (run by Chris Dovener) for everything local including West End - and us!

We'd like your help! Gradually, we are uncovering the origins and some of the later history of WECC. Do you have any historical info on WECC, either documentary (articles, scorebooks, fixture cards, etc) or photographs - even memories? We'd love to hear from you! contact us at: address still active)

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The Hare & Hounds
Visit our sponsors!

The below info is void but indicates what we did and where we did it...!

 TOUR 2004 - BOOK NOW!!!

Every day's a holiday. Well, it seems that way in little old Cornwall where we seem to live for five great days each Summer, allegedly on Cricket Tour! You really want to partake in this festival of enjoyment before we decide to change location! Unless otherwise notified, 2004 will be to the same c, the Ponsmere Hotel in Perranporth where all necessary amenities are close by, such as beer, pizza and burgers and a huge beach with surfing. Oh, and some cricket thrown in for good measure! The dates you need to book are FRIDAY 18th to MONDAY 22nd JUNE 2004 inclusive. Book now with Adie Barrett on 00000 - 000 000, or hit the contact button. No booking = no tour. BOOK NOW!


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Other pages: WECC on YouTube Season 2003 What's New See-Hear!  Our Village Archives Club history



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Pages maintained by Adrian Barrett